Produce Donations
Produce for Pantries
Food insecurity in Detroit is almost double the national average, which means many families do not know where their next meal is coming from. Luckily, Detroit is home to many excellent emergency food providers ranging from shelters to community-based food pantries. Unfortunately, many of these resources have limited access to healthy, fresh produce.
Growers like you can help!
Keep Growing Detroit actively works to create connections between urban growers with extra produce and emergency food providers in need of fresh food. When you find yourself with extra produce throughout the year, consider donating to one of our pantry partners. Your produce donations can inspire new gardeners and increase food security in Detroit.
Need fresh Grown in Detroit produce for programming?
Are you a local nonprofit serving low-income families and individuals? Looking for fresh Grown in Detroit produce for your programming? Food pantries, shelters, culinary education programs, and faith-based organizations are encouraged to apply. Ideal partners are able to pick up produce at the KGD Farm at least monthly between May and November.